Metro Dogs Daycare Current COVID-19 Policies
CURRENT UPDATE as of 9-13-20, by Owner, Wendy Harter
We are excited to have safely reopened all Metro Dogs Daycare locations as of May 12th! We are implementing several safety measures and new procedures in response to COVID-19. Please read the details below for your preferred location.
Below you will see the current operations information on each location laid out separately, as well as video instructions on how to use the Gingr Portal if you need a little extra help.
Capital location (350 University Ave E)
- If anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID-19, please do NOT bring your dog.
- Daycare is open Monday thru Saturday.
- We ask that you do NOT bring lunches right now to minimize exposure risk. If your dog has a health reason for a mid-day meal, please discuss it with us.
- We are only accepting full day reservations at this time. We’ll add half-day daycare again in the future.
- Overnight Boarding is open.
- We will record your dog’s feeding and medication instructions and any other important information for his/her stay over the phone or email prior to your check-in.
- Please bring minimal comfort items for your dog to reduce risk of exposure. (Example: bring a rubber toy instead of a plush toy or bring a light blanket instead of a large bed.) Please do not bring food or water bowls. We still provide your dog with a comfy cot during their stay!
- Grooming is open. Email or call for an appointment. Nail trims can only be done on Thursdays & Fridays at this time.
- Our check-in and check-out hours are changing for now and will be:
- Mon-Fri: 7:00am – 9:00am & 4:00pm – 6:30pm
- Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: 8:00am — 10:00am & 4:30p — 6:30pm
- At DROP-OFF, enter the “holding pen” outside of the front door. Close and latch both gates. Remove all your dog’s gear (collar, leash, bandana, etc) and keep it with you. STAY IN THE HOLDING PEN with your dog until we open the front door and let him/her into the building. Please read and follow the detailed instructions on the signs. And please stay at least 6’ from other clients and dogs while waiting for your turn. After we’ve taken your dog, you may exit the holding pen, latch gate, and walk down the ramp to steer clear of others waiting near the front steps.
- At PICK-UP, you may reply to our text message with HERE each day when you arrive or give us a call at 651-291-2667. Once we bring your dog to our lobby and yell his/her name, then enter the holding pen. Close and latch both gates. We’ll let your dog out our front door and into the holding pen. Put on his/her collar and leash. Once your dog is securely leashed, exit through the side gate and latch behind you. Please stay at least 6’ from other clients and dogs while waiting for your turn.
- Communications: We ask that conversations about your dog’s behavior or needs are discussed over the phone or email to maintain “no contact” between clients and employees. We’ll miss chatting with you! But we must think safety first right now.
- Payments: BEFORE you pick up your dog, if you pay per day, please purchase a Single Day through Gingr. This item is found under “Packages”; scroll down in that list. We encourage you to enter a credit card on file in your Gingr account so that your invoice may be automatically paid upon check-out; then you wouldn’t need to go online and pay each time. Storing your credit card on file in Gingr is completely secure, and a receipt is emailed to you. If you have a pre-paid package then we’ll deduct a visit as usual. Boarding and grooming invoices may be paid online through your Gingr account after check-out.
Vandalia location (880 Vandalia St)
- If anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID-19, please do NOT bring your dog.
- Daycare is now open Monday – Saturday
- If you would like to request daycare for your dog, you may do so by utilizing your ONLINE PORTAL.
- We ask that you do NOT bring lunches right now to minimize exposure risk. If your dog has a health reason for a mid-day meal, please discuss it with us.
- We are accepting full day & half-day reservations. See our special drop-off & pick-up hours.
- Overnight Boarding is open
- We will record your dog’s feeding and medication instructions and any other important information for his/her stay over the phone or email prior to your check-in time.
- Please bring minimal comfort items for your dog to reduce risk of exposure. (Example: bring a rubber toy instead of a plush toy or bring a light blanket instead of a large bed.) Please do not bring food or water bowls. We still provide your dog with a comfy cot during their stay!
- Grooming is open. Email or call for an appointment. Nail trims may be done while attending daycare as well.
- Our check-in and check-out hours are changing for now and will be:
- Mon – Fri: 7:00am – 9:00am & 4:00pm – 6:30pm
- Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: 8:00am — 9:00am & 4:30p — 6:30pm
- At DROP-OFF, enter the fence gate to our front yard (you’ll see a sign), and close & latch gate behind you. Walk your dog to the “holding pen” next to the building and enter the pen with your dog. Remove all your dog’s gear (collar, leash, bandana, etc) and keep it with you. Exit the holding pen, leaving your dog in it. Stand outside of holding pen and WAIT for an employee to open the building door and let in your dog. Then you may exit the fence gate and latch behind you. Please read and follow the detailed instructions on the signs. And please stay at least 6’ from other clients and dogs while waiting for your turn.
- Our Vandalia staff have created a handy 2 minute video to provide you with information on how to drop off and pick up your dog. Click HERE to watch the video!
- At PICK-UP, you may reply to our text message with HERE each day when you arrive or give us a call at 651-642-9663. Once we bring your dog to the holding pen in the front yard and yell his/her name, then enter the fence gate, close & latch gate. Then enter holding pen, and collar & leash your dog. Walk your dog out of holding pen with leash securely in hand, closing the gate behind you. Exit through the fence gate and close and latch gate. Please stay at least 6’ from other clients and dogs while waiting for your turn. Do NOT enter the fenced yard until you know it is YOUR dog in the holding pen.
- Communications: We ask that conversations about your dog’s behavior or needs are discussed over the phone or email to maintain “no contact” between clients and employees. We’ll miss chatting with you! But we must think safety first right now.
- Payments: BEFORE you pick up your dog, if you pay per day, please purchase a Single Day through Gingr. This item is found under “Packages”; scroll down in that list. We encourage you to enter a credit card on file in your Gingr account so that your invoice may be automatically paid upon check-out; then you wouldn’t need to go online and pay each time. Storing your credit card on file in Gingr is completely secure, and a receipt is emailed to you. If you have a pre-paid package then we’ll deduct a visit as usual. Boarding and grooming invoices may be paid online through your Gingr account after check-out.
Grand location (1752 Grand Ave)
- If anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID-19, please do NOT bring your dog.
- Daycare open Monday – Thursday. If other days are needed, you are welcome to make a reservation at our Capital or Vandalia locations. We’ll open more days once the demand increases.
- We ask that you do NOT bring lunches right now to minimize exposure risk. If your dog has a health reason for a mid-day meal, please discuss it with us.
- If you would like to attend on our ‘closed days’, please let us know so we can add you to the waitlist and track the demand.
- Grooming is open. Email or call for an appointment.
- Our check-in and check-out hours remain the same at the Grand location:
- Monday – Thursday: 7:00am – 6:30pm
- Please do not drop-off during morning naptime which is 10:30am – 11:30am.
- At DROP-OFF & PICK-UP please follow the instructions on the signs at our back entry point. For safety, only employees are allowed inside the building. We ask that clients remain outside within the gated “deck” at back door.
- Communications: We ask that conversations about your dog’s behavior or needs are discussed over the phone or email to maintain “no contact” between clients and employees. We’ll miss chatting with you! But we must think safety first right now.
- Payments: Until we get an online payment setup for the Grand clients, please either pay over the phone with a credit card by calling us mid-day at 651.699.3905 or pay via check made payable to Metro Dogs Daycare. If paying by check, please set it inside the doorway and let us know it’s there.
How to use your Gingr Portal
We have created an awesome video to teach you some important parts of the online portal.
To learn about logging into your account and updating information skip to 03:30
To learn about requesting services skip to 07:28
To learn about viewing your scheduled reservations skip to 13:08
To learn how to add a card on file or purchase packages skip to 16:54
Click this link to watch the video! Gingr How To Video on Youtube
I appreciate your understanding; I realize these changes will be an inconvenience for some. The situation is changing very rapidly for all of us, and we are doing our best to make the right choices for our staff, the dogs and all of our terrific clients!
We thank you for all your support during these challenging times. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Wendy Harter & the Metro Dogs Daycare Team